Harmonizing data among participants
in the built environment life cycle
Bruce platform automatically synchronizes the information between heterogeneous software solutions or digital devices.
Transactions are immutable, certified, and legally bound.
Bruce platform automatically synchronizes the information between heterogeneous software solutions used by stakeholders in all the phases from design, construction, usage, or maintenance, making all the transactions, like elements creation, material assignments, work requests, work orders, reservations, roles assignments, features updates, or changes on status, immutable, certified, and legally bound by using Smart Contracts, Blockchain for Business, Artificial Intelligence, and Privacy-Preserving Analytics,
Every day millions of activities and transactions costing billions are carried out through many interlinked supply chains in the built environment.
Many of these activities and transactions are unplanned or unpredicted, needing more contracts and agreements to ensure that responsibilities and liabilities are accounted for and allocated.
While contracts and agreements might well govern others, they must be all over the map in terms of type, format, structure, and content.
Every single stakeholder in the supply chain keeps its activities and transactions under control by using one or many technical “corporate” IT solutions (software).
The main questions are:
- Are these solutions talking to each other?
- Are they synchronized with other stakeholders’ systems?

The usual answers are, No!
Bruce Platform gives answer for the main challenges of a vertical collaboration platform:
Open interoperability
of different connected applications and digital systems, making them work together, exchanging & synchronizing information.
is essential to keep the accuracy of the transactions.
And the main features of BRUCE:
01. Universal Identity Manger
giving an Universal Unique ID for every element.
02. Access & Role Managememnt
provides ID for Members (Participants) and Users, and granting access based on Smart Contracts.
03. Standard Dataset
enables a standard to define and understand any transaction.
04. Ecosystem Analytics
by using PPA (Privacy Preserving Analytics) technics, allows to query sophisticated KPI.
05. Auding LOG & non-repudiation
is the core of orchestration, and the legal enforcement of the transactions.
Challenges of a Digital Platform

BRUCE Tier 3
Any software CMMS, IWMS, CAFM, AMS, etc., owned by the stakeholder, including BruceBEM.
Don’t worry, if you don’t have any software to track your assets, service contracts, works… We provide to you BRUCE Built Environment Manager -> BruceBEM.
meet BruceBEMBRUCE Tier 2
A standardized application, provided by BRUCE, or developed by the user, that connects client’s own solution, mapping data and processes with the BRUCE Platform.
BRUCE Tier 1
Private networks of inter-connected nodes (X-Road Evo security servers), that orchestrate data exchange and securitize the transactions between stakeholders, enforcing them legally by applying Smart-Contracts and Blockchain for Business.
Bruce Platform Tiers

Transparency and accuracy on transactions
BRUCE Platform defines a standard to make business in The Built Environment, that is at the same time a solid framework that brings accuracy on the exchange of information, and at the same time, preserves the most essential principles of transparency to the processes by quietly tracking the most simple details.

Non data entry repetition
Current situation without interoperated systems, requieres that every single stakeholder or participant in the transaction must enter or update the information in their own system. That not only brings risk on accuracy of the data, by occasional erros, but also immense costs of keeping updated info.
BRUCE Platform, enables that one party enters the data, and the other ones, linked by an Smart Contract get it or keep synchronized in their own systems (softwares).

Simplified Legally Enforced e-Collaboration
All the transactions in BRUCE are quietly processed by the Platform, following existent Smart Contracts between the parties involved.
No extra effort is required, than just create or update the existen data in your own software.
BRUCE will synchronize will your stakeholders, and will not keep the information, but keep the validity of the transaction, and make it immutable, certified, and legally bound.

Share with Confidence
BRUCE Platform is about e-Collaboration. The ‘e’ is the key. It represents the efficiency in cybersecurity, protection, and safety in your data and process exchange.
BRUCE Platform interconnects and makes interoperate systems, enabling data synchronization and transference, but there is no more data kept in BRUCE than the log to enforce the transaction.
Your data is yours and is kept by your system’s database, keeping its own data schema.